The best running headphones

Outdoor sports are becoming increasingly popular. Many people are not ready to part with music even while driving. Special jogging headphones come to the rescue. Music tracks not only brighten up the monotony of jogging, but also help to keep the training at an optimal pace.

Not all types of headphones are convenient for running. Of course, you should not choose models that fall off while running from the head and fall out of the ears. There are many requirements for running headphones. However, in the first place, they should be comfortable. Consider the main characteristics that you should pay attention to when buying:

  • Ergonomics The device should have a small weight and dimensions, hold firmly and not rub the scalp. Do not choose bulky models.
  • Wire length. It should not freely reach the sound source and at the same time not interfere with movements. Confused wire in pockets can cause a lot of trouble.
  • Moisture resistant. The product must be protected from water, as playing sports involves active sweating. Without this option, the accessory can deteriorate quickly.
  • Security. You should not choose options in which there is no possibility of their quick removal or mute. This is necessary when it is important to control the traffic situation.

ATTENTION!Sound quality is important for music lovers. Therefore, many athletes sacrifice convenience, abandoning the liners, and choose larger accessories. This is a matter of customer choice.

Manufacturers are constantly releasing more advanced running headphones. The variety of models can be quite difficult to figure out. Consider the main options for the type of design:

  • Inserts. This species is safer for health, but it does not protect against audible extraneous noise. Therefore, on busy roads you have to add sound.
  • Vacuum (droplets). One of the most popular types. They do not allow external noise and do not exert pressure on the ears. The model is reliable and practical.
  • Overhead open and closed type. This type is recommended to be measured before purchase.

For jogging in the fitness center, it is better to consider vacuum headphones or closed overheads. Open street liners or overhead accessories are suitable for the street, allowing you to hear the signals of cars and other sounds.

REFERENCE!It is advisable to have several types of products and alternate them with each other. This will allow you to choose the most comfortable model over time and get real pleasure from training.

Bluetooth wireless headphones are very popular. The undeniable advantages include the fact that they absolutely do not interfere when running, since I do not have wires. It is they who occupy the very first place in the ranking. Thanks to innovative developments, wireless models have completely new advantages. They have advanced features in the form of a heart rate monitor and an AI system. Many of them are made using special technology to ensure a secure fit. Compared with wired experts distinguish their following disadvantages:

  • poor sound quality;
  • the need for constant charging of the device;
  • short range of action (up to 10 m.);
  • risk of loss ("liners", "vacuum").

If these shortcomings do not seem significant, then feel free to choose a wireless device. However, wireless headphones have a lot of fans. After all, some models can even be used for swimming.

IMPORTANT!Wired accessories are considered more reliable than wireless accessories, as there is direct direct contact between the headphones and the playback source.

For running, you can buy both wired and wireless headphones. In addition to a good attachment in the ears, they should have a good sound, be moisture resistant and adequately cost. Of course, each model will have its pros and cons, so before buying, you need to know what features will be priority.

Watch the video: Best Wireless Headphones & Earbuds For Running TOP 3 PICKS (April 2024).

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