How to wash the primer with linoleum

After carrying out repairs, one often has to think about cleaning the floor. Happens on linoleum spots and the remains of a primer appear. This building material is difficult to remove from the surface, which can significantly spoil the appearance of the coating. For a reliable result, you should use several proven methods.

To carry out repairs and at the same time not to leave pollution at all is very problematic. Dust, shavings, residues of building materials create additional difficulties when cleaning the workspace. The primer has a wide range of positive qualities, due to which it has been widely used.

The disadvantage of this building material is that it is very difficult to get rid of its remains when the space is contaminated. This is due to the characteristics of the substance. When dried, the moisture evaporates, which leads to the polymerization of the suspension. Due to the disappearance of the liquid, the structure of the primer changes, it hardens and becomes practically insoluble under the influence of ordinary water.

The best option is to eliminate the remnants of the building material immediately after getting on linoleum. To do this, you need warm water and a soft sponge. However, small areas can be skipped or not noticed. The primer is quick drying: the material hardens within half an hour. In order to wipe off dirt from the floor, several options will work.

ATTENTION!In order to avoid possible contamination of the flooring, it is recommended to cover the linoleum with a film. To protect joints and corners, masking tape is useful.

How and how to wash the primer from linoleum

There are several simple, effective and safe ways to clean the floor from contamination.

Mechanical methods

When cleaning with mechanical action, care must be taken to be careful in movements. Improper operation can cause personal injury or damage to the coating.


  1. To work, you need a solvent and a spatula. The dried layer is poured with a solvent and left for some time. Gentle contamination is carefully removed with a spatula. A certain angle (not more than 40 degrees) and caution should be observed. This will help to avoid damage to linoleum.
  2. An abrasive sponge (with fine grain) is also suitable for elimination. A soft rag dipped in warm water is placed on the dirt and left for several hours. A soaked stain is removed with a sponge. You can use a damp sponge to collect residues.

ATTENTION!All work should be carried out with rubber gloves to provide additional protection for the skin of the hands.


A chemical agent is also suitable for cleaning. It is necessary to approach his choice and the washing process with caution: if improperly selected, the linoleum structure can be destroyed, the coating will be damaged. When buying, you should pay attention to the composition. A cleaner without soda or alkali is suitable for cleaning.

White spirit and 646 solvents are the best option. In order to get rid of the remnants of the dried suspension, apply a cleaning agent to a cotton pad, wipe the surface. Repeat the procedure until completely cleansed.

Work with chemicals should be carried out in a well-ventilated area. For additional protection, a respirator and rubber gloves are useful.

IMPORTANT!Before starting cleansing, it is recommended to test the product in a small area of ​​linoleum.

Folk methods

This list of options is the most practical and safe for health. The substances used in the work are found in every home, which greatly facilitates the process.

To clean a small area, nail polish remover, which is available in any women's cosmetic bag, is suitable. The composition is applied to soft tissue, the stain is thoroughly wiped until completely dissolved. At the end of the floor should be wiped with a damp sponge dipped in soapy water.

A more complex method involves purification with a solution consisting of water and acetone. The ingredients are taken from the calculation of 1: 3. For work, matter with a rigid dense texture is used. After cleaning, the coating must be washed with clean water.

A large amount of dust and the remains of building materials on the surface of the floor and walls are familiar to everyone who carried out repairs. Many components have a high density, which leads to difficulties in their removal. This includes the primer. By adopting a few simple methods, you can clear linoleum from such a substance in a short time.

Watch the video: How to Stencil Linoleum Floors. Deep clean. Entry way remodel (April 2024).

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